Dark Souls Dress Up Dark Souls Fashion Souls Generator

In search of the mysterious Dark Souls fashion law

75/100 - The crown clashes.

The Dark Souls community overflows with stories about PvP pranksters of every kind, handed down in oral and written tradition as lovingly equally the game'southward own esoteric lore. Players take been invaded past the likes of Mr. Meeseeks, Jesus, and inanimate objects while invaders have been faced with hosts bearded equally everything from NPCs to Shrek. Thanks to an affluence of video evidence, there is no doubtfulness that these comic invaders and novelty host builds exist. But i particular legend remains elusive: The Fashion Police.

To understand the Fashion Police, it's important to grasp the concept of 'Fashion Souls'. The thought is that players forgo armor stats entirely in the more noble pursuit of  being the all-time dressed grapheme during a summon or invasion, rather than the most powerful. From this motion, a more than dedicated group of fashionistas allegedly took up arms and alleged it their sacred duty to enforce the sanctity of 'looking fine all the time'. These players became known every bit the Way Police. Their MO is to invade hosts and judge their fashion sense rather than murder them—although hosts deemed to be and so unfashionable that they had to be executed by the Fashion Law have been reported.

At least that'due south the story. The existence of the Mode Police, despite all the whispers on Reddit, remains largely unconfirmed. For months, I've searched for the truth behind the tales, and hard evidence still eludes me. Withal, I've compiled all the reports of the Fashion Police force in a bid to identify where they came from and if they're still agile today.

The hunt begins

The well-nigh circulated sighting of the Manner Police force comes from a immediate business relationship posted by Leviafun on the Dark Souls 3 subreddit on May 5, 2016, just over a month after the game'southward release:

"Was at Pontiff and saw a Mound Maker duel sign for 'The Style Police force.' Of course I summoned him, because a proper noun like that is too proficient not to encounter what happens.

He shows up wearing a Leather set with a Lothric hood and does a full circle around me, inspecting my fix. I'm not wearing anything too flashy, a Knight helm with Herald armor, complete with Silver Knight leggings and Nameless Knight gauntlets.

Accessorize, accessorize, accessorize!

I don my sweetness new gear, the Way Law fist pumps, and promptly jumps into the lava.


Leviafun continued,"He finishes looking me over and does a prostration gesture. I can tell he clearly doesn't corroborate, so I ready myself for a fight. But instead he switches into my set but dons a Lothric Knight helm instead, which significantly looked much more than sophisticated then the knight helm I had which revealed my collar. I follow his pb and switch out the two and realize that I look so much ameliorate than ever, and I give him a rightfully deserved dignified bow.

He applauded me, and and then threw himself off a ledge..."

Although Leviafun'south post is easily the nearly popular sighting of the Way Police, it was not the showtime. A calendar month before Night Souls 3's release, a member of the Fashion Law was spotted prowling Drangleic in Night Souls 2 past Reddit user FullMetalLlama:

"And so this guy simply invaded me. I look to the bottom of my screen, and spy a neon blue name. 'Oh jeez, another hacker' I thought. I thought wrong. And then I read the name. 'Fashion Police', huh? Let's see how this goes. I walk onto the Iron Bridge and stare at this guy equally he comes and inspects my Falconer set minus the helm, Gold Falcon Shield, and Longsword with a pair of Binoculars. He does 1 full circle, thinks on it for a moment, and does a 'No way'. Crushed, I await. He drops an detail and points to it. I selection it up; a Royal Swordsman Helm. I don my sweetness new gear, the Way Police fist pumps, and promptly jumps into the lava."

Lamentable, but looking expert in Night Souls takes more than attitude.

From these two reports, I established a vital detail virtually the Way Police that helps u.s.a. sort the impostors from the legend. The Fashion Police force are not senseless killers, equally many invaders are. Rather than attacking on sight, the Way Police force dispense gifts of knowledge and gear. Dissimilar many invaders, the Manner Police as described in these accounts opt to leave a match with a glorious expiry, rather than using a blackness crystal to return dwelling house or defeating the host.

The cute butterfly descends

While a good start, this wasn't nearly enough information to begin identifying and tracking the Manner Police. Next, I spoke with five centre-witnesses about their experiences. While Leviafun and FullMetalLlama gave fairly detailed descriptions in their original accounts, I was able to learn a lot more from other witnesses in private.

Stroofwapples was invaded by the Fashion Law in August of 2016, documenting their encounter in an account more sparse on detail than Leviafun'south and FullMetalLlama'south. Although they didn't include many details nigh the Fashion Constabulary'southward beliefs, they did mention receiving a fashionable gift. Through private messages, Stroofwapples expanded on the see, which matched the profile I'd already begun edifice of the Fashion Law's  methodology:

"Again they didn't set on on sight, and this fourth dimension they even got out their binoculars and looked at my outfit (I was wearing the Black Witch dress with the Dragon Sage Hood this time for certain). Then they did the "No way" gesture and dropped the +10 Lion Warrior Helm, out of their inventory."

Alkme, who first reported seeing the Style Police beneath Stroofwapples's post, included these details in the public comment:

He started eyeballin' me up and downward with the binoculars so told me 'VERY Adept' several times before he promptly jumped off the span...


"He comes downward all glowing in this butterfly costume and merely stands there and starts eyeing me up with binoculars. We played it cool, exchanged some pleasant gestures and then he jumped off the bridge giving me an effigy."

Through private messages, Alkme confided that they'd actually encountered the Fashion Police three to iv times in 2016 while playing Night Souls two: Scholar of the First Sin on PC. Although they had at least one outlying experience involving a dual-invasion, Alkme was able to confirm important parts of the Fashion Police force's modus operandi.

"He started eyeballin' me up and down with the binoculars and so told me 'VERY GOOD' several times before he promptly jumped off the bridge netting me some souls and humanity. I barely had time to even react. […] But every other time across that, he always invaded with a Minotaur Captain. And mayhap the lion warrior summit or other armors that exposed the chest."

Mods brand wild styles easy for the original Dark Souls.

Rune-Knight-Ren corroborated these descriptions in their encounter in Dark Souls 3. When I asked Ren for further details on their encounter, they told a similar story:

"My showtime reaction was only being kind of like 'Get out of here, this doesn't happen'. They waved, approached, got out binoculars, circled me a few times. After they dropped the souls they waved, ran off and blackness crystaled [sic] out."

So, from the 5 reported Fashion Constabulary sightings across both Dark Souls 2 and Night Souls 3, on PSN and PC, I built a consistent profile of the legend:

  • Does not assault on sight
  • Inspects hosts with binoculars
  • May give gifts of stylish armor
  • Often opts for self-kill rather than a duel

Just tragically, across all reported sightings every witness had another matter in mutual.

They didn't have any images or video from their encounter.

Impostor syndrome

With only word of oral fissure to rely on, information technology was time to investigate those who claimed to be the Fashion Police. The earliest mention of the Fashion Constabulary I institute came from a Reddit post by Thug1sh in September of 2014, long before the other sightings. In it, Thug1sh seems to have conceived of the original Way Constabulary thought.

"I wanna make a psn account named fashion police, and become a dealer of justice to those unfashionable. This would be done by wearing something that looks like a uniform, carrying my large encarmine nightstick, and invading as a red or blue."

Although Thug1sh initially agreed to speak with me, I didn't get whatsoever response to my more specific questions on when and how they portrayed the Style Police. On that footing, I deem it unlikely that this is the Fashion Police of legend.

My 2d possible Fashion Police doubtable was much more receptive to questioning. I found SirKrohan in the comments nether Stroofwapple's post, who specifically remembered invading Alkme. Fortunately, SirKrohan was happy to requite me the details of their Style Police routine, confirming the methods already established with just one magnificent actress detail.

A recreation of SirKrohan'due south Fashion Police force that many players may have encountered in Dark Souls 2: Scholar of the Commencement Sin.

"I approach without a weapon, only using the binoculars. A dude with a pink bowl cut, green beard, wearing a butterfly suit, slowly approaching with binoculars. After I go close and I become no vehement response, I scan their outfit from caput to toe while doing a 360 of their grapheme. By now, I can tell 99% of the items simply by looking at them. If I corroborate, they become a fist bump and a bow, and I proceed to kill myself in any number of imaginative means—poison, harakiri, jumping off cliffs, magic, whatever is available."

Sadly, although SirKrohan portrays the Fashion Police with a stunning degree of accurateness, and a stellar outfit, they cannot be a founding memeber. Although SirKrohan is likely the officer that many Dark Souls two players have been invaded by, they accept not taken their portrayal to Nighttime Souls 3 and cannot account for the other sightings that have been documented there. Further, SirKrohan confirmed that while they served as a fairly active manner officeholder, they were not the original Fashion Police member from FullMetalLlama'due south post. In fact, it was likely that mail service which inspired SirKrohan to imitate the Fashion Constabulary.

"I remember reading a post about the fashion police when I was a newbie to DS2 and it sounded exactly like the kind of thing I would enjoy—and then you lot could say I adopted it."

I'd exist remiss in ignoring the video evidence of possible Fashion Police captured in Dark Souls 3. Unfortunately, none of the videos available showroom behavior we tin attribute to the original Fashion Police. A video by someone known but every bit George shows his own taste enforcement adventures equally the Fashion Constabulary.

It's an entertaining testify, but George frequently attacks his victims without assessing their fashion at all, indicating his act is just cheap imitation.

Some other video, by Jar Dev shows 3 players being invaded by the Fashion Police. This Manner Police rep doesn't assail the host on sight, but fails to exhibit other of import Way Law behaviors. They seem more than interested in dueling than in looking good. Look close plenty and the invader from Jar Dev'southward video looks very similar to George's actor character, using the same "call over" gesture when budgeted hosts. The two videos were uploaded just eight days apart, two videos cataloging the same Fashion Police impostor.

At a dead end, and with no new testify to examine, I feared my Way Police trail concluded here. Merely nigh a week after my original conversation with Alkme, I got another message.

"Was cleaning up my HDs this weekend and I found some footage of Way Police and I having some fun in Drangliec Castle every bit described in one of my stories."

Alkme's unearthed footage of one of their Mode Police sightings.

In Alkme's video, the Fashion Police seem to be wearing Syan's Captain and what might be the Lion Warrior Cape—similar to what they remembered. It'due south a compelling video for sure, but this is likely merely SirKrohan, who admitted to adopting the routine from elsewhere. The number of times that Alkme encountered the Fashion Police, and the familiarity betwixt the players in the video, suggests information technology'southward a repeat encounter between the two.

Common cold trail, warm hearts

Unfortunately, I've striking a standstill in my chase for the true Manner Police. Thanks to all the evidence I compiled, I developed a clear picture of the legendary Fashion Constabulary, but no officers of Fashion Souls who distinctly fit the clarification. I've dug up the possible inspiration for the Mode Constabulary and i very enthusiastic and true-blue impostor, merely no candidates remain who can business relationship for sightings in both Dark Souls 2 and 3. Although the bear witness suggests a handful of independent players are withal paying homage to the same concept, I like to think the existent Mode Police are still out there, diligently patrolling the multiple realms of Nighttime Souls, influencing the latest trends with free gear and disappearing into lava pits without a trace.

The Fashion Police are proof that order and justice can exist in Dark Souls. We and then often associate the lands of Lothric and Drangleic with entropy and madness, sad settings where we're just as likely to dice at the easily of undead every bit nosotros are by invading players. The Style Police are a beacon of hope in a chaotic world, show that players can and volition be made to answer to a higher power, so long as that higher power knows how to rock a pair of butterfly wings.

Lauren started writing for PC Gamer as a freelancer in 2017 while chasing the Dark Souls mode police and accepted her office as Acquaintance Editor and Chief Minecraft Liker in 2021. She originally started her career in game development and is even so fascinated by how games tick in the modding and speedrunning scenes. She likes long books, longer RPGs, multiplayer cryptids, and can't terminate playing co-op crafting games.

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