Eating Disorders and the Fashion Industry

Eating disorders are a widely known problem today. Body standards and self-images are very important to many people. Information technology is mutual for models to develop eating disorders because it is office of their job to proceed a slim figure.

Some argue that the fashion manufacture is a possible cause of this. The fashion industry can exist viewed as a cause of eating disorders because of the pressure put on the models, harmful weight-loss methods used, and photographs that promote eating disorders.

Eating disorders are continuous aberrant eating habits that negatively affect a person'due south physical and mental health. They are both diagnosable and treatable. Common eating disorders are anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, and more.

Carrie Arnold explains that, "[grand]any men and women are unhappy with their bodies and are on a diet. People with eating disorders likewise often limited extreme body dysmorphia [bad body epitome] and restrict their nutrient intake."

Those who have eating disorders are likely to get dangerously underweight without treatment. The fashion industry may exist one of the many causes of eating disorders. Models in the fashion industry are generally very sparse.

Eating disorders are a prevailing condition today because of the stress of beingness thin and living up to gild's standards.

The pressure on models to maintain a certain weight is preposterous. Models in the manner industry are required to have a specific trunk shape and size to model the vesture. The commodity, The Style Industry Glamorizes Anorexia , states, "[t]he pressure to be thin comes from all sides—editors, stylists, hairdressers, even boutique owners who refuse to stock sizes above

8… Natalia Vodianova, a 24-year-old Russian model… explained how industry pressure caused her weight to plunge to 106 pounds when she began losing her pilus.

With the help of a doctor, she regained her health, only to hear designers mutter nigh how her body had inverse" (Moore). The need of having an extremely thin body from designers, editors, and more has acquired models to lose a perilous amount of weight.

Protests are made about their body changes, despite the health they recover. Maintaining a healthy weight is a hardship when the 'desired' weight and body prototype is unhealthy.

Not just does the fashion manufacture command slimness, but they also encourage and use unhealthy weight loss methods. Considering the weight requirements are so strict, the manner industry resorts to farthermost measures to meet their expectations.

Lisa Hilton reports, "[a] survey published by the U.S. National Library of Medicine lists a range of weight-loss methods… that would make any model bureau proud— 69 percent skip meals, 34 percent use diuretics, 67 percent sweat off the pounds in the sauna, 30 percent regularly vomit and 40 percent use laxatives." Shocking percentages were found of unsafe methods used.

The fashion manufacture praises these methods that either are an eating disorder or can atomic number 82 to developing 1.

Opponents may debate that photographs on media cannot cause or promote eating disorders. It is believed that images can non impact your health or eating patterns. Carrie Arnold contends that, "I think I know what they're getting at—that looking at these images makes yous more likely to develop anorexia—but there'due south no actual evidence that this is true."

However, there are scenarios where images have been used as encouragement to condign thinner. This would not be a problem if information technology was a healthy amount of weight, but that is not the example.

Libby Rodenbough discovered that, "[i]northward 2007, [Isabelle] Caro had appeared in 'No Anorexia,' an advertizement campaign by provocative fashion photographer Oliviero Toscani… The entrada… sparked controversy, in part considering some pro-anorexia and -bulimia websites used its ads as 'thinspiration' (collections of images or videos of slim to skeletal women used by those suffering from eating disorders for weight-loss motivation)."

Although the intentions of the campaign were contradicted, the event was still negative. It was used to inspire losing weight, brightening an unhealthy body image standard. An image is possible of affecting a person's self-epitome and eating habits.

Overall, the fashion industry can be seen as a cause of eating disorders. The oppression they have on models forces a slim weight that tin can exist unhealthy. To achieve this slim weight, a series of dangerous weight-loss methods are used and encouraged.

The question is no longer if the manner industry is a possible cause of eating disorders, it is whether or not the effects can be reversed.

Would it be plenty if models were to regain good for you body weight and the mode manufacture incorporated more bodyweight ranges throughout their models? Or will the cycle continue?

Works Cited

Arnold, Carrie. "Altered Fashion Magazine Photographs Practice Not Cause Eating Disorders." The Civilization of Beauty ,edited by Louise I. Gerdes, Greenhaven Press, 2013. OpposingViewpoints. Opposing Viewpoints in Context .

Hilton, Lisa. "The Fashion Manufacture Should Non Be Held Responsible for Eating Disorders." Eating Disorders ,edited by Roman Espejo, Greenhaven Printing, 2012. OpposingViewpoints. Opposing Viewpoints in Context .

Moore, Booth. "The Fashion Industry Glamorizes Anorexia." Anorexia ,edited past Stefan Kiesbye, Greenhaven Press, 2010. At Outcome. Opposing Viewpoints in Context .

Rodenbough, Libby. "The Fashion Manufacture Promotes Eating Disorders." The Culture of Beauty , edited past Louise I. Gerdes, Greenhaven Press, 2013. Opposing Viewpoints. Opposing Viewpoints in Context .

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